I'll start with the most common first....

Are you bringing a gun?

NO NO NO NO.... I will not be carrying any sort of gun with me not even a damn rubbber band gun for Pete's sake. First of all the trail travels over many places where guns are illegal to carry. Second the trail is probably the safest place within miles of the area you will be in. Lastly it's extra weight and any sensible person would just leave it at home.

What are you going to eat? Are you going to carry 6 months of food with you?

Come on people use your common sense how the hell would someone carry 6 months worth of food on your back. As for what I will eat. I will be going into town every 3-5 days to resupply. Here I will get an assortment of ramen noodles, pop-tarts, peanut butter, and many other yummy and tasty treats.

How long is the entire Appalachian trail and are you really hiking the entire thing?

Based on the 2014 Appalachian trail data book the trail is 2,185.3 miles from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Maine. You also better believe I'm hiking the entire thing. 

Are you going alone?

Yes, I am hiking alone but in reality will I be alone on the trail the entire time? No. Approximately 1500-2000 thousand thru-hikers set out on Springer Mountain between late February to Late May. However only 1 of 4 of these hikers will make it to the finish. Back to the question... I am hiking alone but I wont be alone. Yeah it's kinda confusing... The majority of the time there will be people around. It is somewhat rare that I will have shelter to myself at night.

What happens if you get lost?

Getting lost on the Appalachian trail is a hard thing to do. The trail is marked with, a number to high to count, 2x6inch white blazes. These white blazes appear on trees, posts, rocks, roads, and even the bottom of a canoe that you have to use to cross a river. In addition to the white blazes I will be carrying a guide book that has very detailed elevation charts and maps.



  1. SO awesome Lucas! I will for sure keep up with your blog, and I look forward to many pictures!! Good Luck, & BE SAFE!!!!

  2. You're going to need some protein too Lucas! Get some beef jerky or summer sausage to eat on the trail. pop tarts and ramen won't keep your strength up!
